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Code Space
Touch + Air Gesture Hybrid Interactions for Supporting Developer Meetings

We present Code Space, a system that contributes touch + air gesture hybrid interactions to support co-located, small group developer meetings by democratizing access, control, and sharing of information across multiple personal devices and public displays. Our system uses a combination of a shared multi-touch screen, mobile touch devices, and Microsoft Kinect sensors. We describe cross-device interactions, which use a combination of in-air pointing for social disclosure of commands, targeting and mode setting, combined with touch for command execution and precise gestures. In a formative study, professional developers were positive about the interaction design, and most felt that pointing with hands or devices and forming hand postures are socially acceptable. Users also felt that the techniques adequately disclosed who was interacting and that existing social protocols would help to dictate most permissions, but also felt that our lightweight permission feature helped presenters manage incoming content.



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Code Space: Touch + Air Gesutre Hybrid Interactions for Supporting Developer Meetings. Andrew Bragdon, Rob DeLIne, Ken Hinckley, and Meredith Ringel Morris. In Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2011 (ITS 2011). ITS Paper Download PDF Lineogrammer Video Digital Library Link

        Copyright © 2012 by Andrew Bragdon. All Rights Reserved.



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Andrew Bragdon
Department of Computer Science
Brown University, Box 1910
115 Waterman St. 4th Floor
Providence, RI 02912